Espace pédagogique

Environmental responsibility

Teréga’s environmental responsibility is embodied in its Be Positif programme, which deploys organisational actions aligned with European and French decarbonisation targets, such as lowering emissions of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane. By bringing in this programme, which covers all Teréga’s environmental issues, the Group is pursuing its efforts to reduce its direct and indirect impacts, and is committing itself to help bring about France’s carbon neutrality by 2050, meeting the targets set in the Paris Agreement.

Contributing to carbon-neutrality

Panorama at Urrugne in the Pyrenees

Our BE POSITIF programme

BE POSITIF (from the French for “Positive Environmental Audit”) is aimed at gradually eradicating the environmental footprint left by our activities, to contribute to France’s carbon neutrality.

Decarbonisation: a priority

Teréga s'engage en faveur de la décarbonation de ses activités en France et en Europe, c'est-à-dire la baisse globale des émissions de gaz à effet de serre comme le CO2 et le méthane. Au premier plan des enjeux énergétiques et écologiques français et internationaux, la décarbonation s'inscrit dans l'objectif "Fit for 55" de l'Union Européenne, visant à réduire les émissions nettes de gaz à effet de serre d'au moins 55% d'ici à 2030. On la retrouve aussi dans la Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone (SNBC), qui prévoit d'atteindre la neutralité carbone en France, soit zéro émission nette de CO2, à l'horizon 2050.

Limiting atmospheric emissions

The reduction of our atmospheric discharges, particularly of greenhouse gases (GHGs), is part of our energy and environmental management systems. Our actions are based upon a number of stated objectives.

Energy management

We have made energy management and efficiency our priority. Our work in that area is focussed particularly on the modernisation of our industrial facilities, a dedicated management system, a self-sufficiency process, sustainable construction and digital frugality.

Scarabée bleu hoplia coerulea sur une servitude Teréga

Preserving biodiversity

Respect for biodiversity is one of our top-priority issues. It is an integral part of our environmental and social policy. It is evidenced by specific, clearly-stated actions at both the regional and national level.

Gas network signaling beacon

Impact management

Our thinking on how the impacts of our business can be managed is evidenced by the way we consider environmental challenges at every stage of a project, before the planning even begins. We rely on a proven methodology: AVOID-REDUCE-COMPENSATE (ARC).
