Espace pédagogique

Industrial safety: your contacts at Teréga for gas transport and storage

To control industrial risks, we apply recognised standards and develop new processes adapted to our constraints and requirements. It is within this framework that we have set an essential objective: “Zero snagging”. In this respect, our Industrial Safety department ensures, right from the project phase, that the implementation rules are properly applied and that all safety conditions are respected, whether it concerns Transport or Storage activities.

Industrial safety

Industrial safety transport

Transport infrastructures

The most important industrial risk for our transport grid is caused by snagging involving the work of outside people. Ensuring safety therefore requires a policy of prevention and protective measures.

Teréga employee at the Lussagnet storage site

Storage infrastructures

The operation of our two underground storage sites, Lussagnet and Izaute, naturally comes with responsibilities: infrastructure protection, risk prevention and control, monitoring, impact management, etc.
