Espace pédagogique


In order to meet the challenges of energy transition, Téréga anticipates the development of the skills of its employees to co-construct a more sustainable future. The group undertakes to promote social inclusion and gender equality, placing humans at the heart of their concerns. He prioritizes the quality of life and working conditions of his employees, in particular thanks to the deployment of a QVCT program, making social dialogue a catalyst for well -being at work.

Co-construct a more sustainable future

Building your career at Teréga

Our investment in skills

Teréga is committed to training its employees throughout their professional careers through innovative training programmes that encourage autonomy and personalised career paths.

Training of a maintenance technician at Teréga

Inclusion and parity

Disability, social inclusion and parity, Teréga makes diversity an essential component in enriching its skills base.

Gender diversity and equality

Diversity and equal opportunities are at the heart of Teréga’s values. The Group strives to offer everyone the same opportunities for development and development within it and in its territories. Teréga particularly encourages diversity in professions that until now had few women, such as technical positions or the energy transition sector. This diverse pool of talents and skills is a precious asset, which the Group cultivates to imagine the energy models of tomorrow.

Open space at Teréga

Quality of working life

The collective and individual well-being of our employees is key for cultivating the spirit of innovation that drives us.
