Espace pédagogique
Diverse profiles, an incomparable source of energy

Diverse profiles, an incomparable source of energy

In a changing world, diverse profiles and equal opportunities are sources of enrichment and innovation. To devise new energy models, Teréga draws upon a diversified pool of skills, where everyone can commit to meeting tomorrow’s challenges.

Teréga is committed to facilitating access to employment

Fostering diversity in the company means opening up to different visions that move towards a common goal: imagining tomorrow’s energy world, in all its societal, environmental and technological dimensions. So the Group sees diversity of profiles as a strong indicator of its ability to open up new perspectives and innovate for the good of all.

Diversity is synonymous with inclusion while respecting everyone’s differences. It encompasses gender diversity, physical and social diversity, but also cultural or generational diversity. Teréga is committed through many actions to extend its skills base to people who are distanced from employment because of their condition, their disability or their social environment. So Teréga fully plays its role as a territorial actor contributing to economic and social development. 

Evidence of this can be found, for example, in the commitment of Teréga and its workers to a range of associations:

A national network that helps all people find employment through businesses with a long-term commitment to their territories. Teréga supports the CREPI Pyrénées in occasional missions conducted by its workers throughout the year and is a member of its board of directors.

In this way, Teréga has participated in three events aimed at facilitating the occupational integration of people who have been distanced from employment:

  • Femmes et Industrie: action aimed at women seeking employment in industrial jobs (mock interview and recruitment exercises, site visits, round table discussions etc.);

  • Temps de pose: support over a 4 to 6 month period for women seeking employment to facilitate business networking (contribution to workshops organised by the association);

  • Passerelle de l’emploi vers la formation à Mont-de-Marsan: an event aimed at young people seeking employment or training (involvement in this forum that brings recruiters and training bodies together).

Network of job seekers helping raise their profile among recruiters and giving them the benefit of recommendations from a local network. Through this partnership, Teréga plays its part in an innovative action to help the economic development of the territory, particularly among people needing to be reintegrated into the workforce. This club meets once a week, and Teréga’s employees share their professional experience with people who are distanced from employment, which helps them in their networking.

An association that helps people via support workshops. The aim of these workshops is to counter discrimination in job interviews, particularly regarding physical appearance. This association prepares candidates for forthcoming interviews, providing them with business attire and taking them through a mock interview. As part of this partnership, Teréga helps raise awareness about appearance-based discrimination. So Teréga’s staff regularly contribute to collections of clothing suitable for business wear.

Teréga is committed to helping people who are socially excluded through unemployment, to facilitate their access to the recruitment processes of companies in the region.

Teréga regularly trains young apprentices in the gas industry, with a view to taking them on after their apprenticeship.


For many years, Teréga has pursued a policy of supporting the employment and retention of people with disabilities. In order to enable the employees concerned to perform their work under the best possible conditions, workstations are adapted according to needs. In addition, working hours can be adjusted to facilitate access to care.

As a signatory of the UNAE (National Union of Adapted Enterprises) Charter and partner of a number of ESATs (Establishments and Services for Assistance through Work), the Group pursues its actions to boost the inclusion through employment of disabled people, beyond the confines of its own business.

Every year, Teréga organises in-house events to raise awareness about disabilities. Examples include:

  • The European week for the employment of people with disabilities organised by the association for the social and professional inclusion of people with disabilities (LADAPT);

  • DuoDay: a national initiative that takes a different look at disability within the business. Volunteer employees have the opportunity to share their work for a day with a disabled person, introducing them to their daily activities and the organisation in which they work.

Teréga supports Handisport

Billère Handball Pau Pyrénées has opened a Handensemble section that welcomes 15 adults aged 28 to 50 years old, with mental disabilities. Since 2016, they have formed a fully fledged team of the club, holding the Sport Handicap label, which guarantees appropriate teaching and support.

Teréga supports the Club via its endowment fund, enabling the team to travel and pit itself against other handisports teams on an equivalent level.

BHB Handensemble team