Espace pédagogique

What is biomass cogeneration?

Biomass cogeneration is a renewable energy process that produces electricity and heat simultaneously from biomass. Sources of biomass may vary, from wood to green waste and agricultural residues. This environmentally friendly and economical system offers a sustainable solution, effectively helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Biomass cogeneration operations are based around a device that includes a combustion chamber, a boiler, an alternator and turbines. The fuel is incinerated, creating heat that transforms water into steam. That steam generates electricity and the remaining steam is collected for the heating. The cycle continues, maximising system efficiency.

In Europe, biomass cogeneration is strongly encouraged, since it is recognised as providing a sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. It is also worth noting that biogas from methanisation can be used for cogeneration.

Although this process is not currently the most economical solution in France, in comparison with the production of biogas from methanisation, it still remains a sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. 

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