Espace pédagogique

Neighbours: welcome to your information area

Established in the far South-West of France in 1945, Teréga is a committed stakeholder in the region. Our mission is to guarantee a supply of gas via a reliable, safe network. It is therefore our duty to ensure that our activities have the least possible impact on you and the environment, but also to protect our pipelines against third-person activities, particularly when work is taking place close to our structures.

Teréga’s projects in your local area


Declare your work: your safety obligation!

Our commitment, as a leading actor in the region, is to make safety an absolute priority, including when private individuals are carrying out work. In advance of the work, and as part of the preparation, there is a regulatory requirement to submit a Declaration of Intention to Commence Work (DICT) to our teams. That allows us to provide you with the information you need to prevent any damage occurring. We simplify the process for you.

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Find out about our commitments

As a responsible actor, Teréga takes practical steps within the company, and in how it goes about its business, to make sure it lives up to its commitments.

Protecting the environment

Emission limitation, energy management, protecting biodiversity… When it comes to environmental responsibility, we have set our own ambitious code of conduct, applying to all our activities.

Find out more
preservation of biodiversity at Teréga headquarters in Pau

Safety of infrastructures and risk management

For a gas infrastructure manager such as Teréga, safety is a prime concern. Find out what our safety action plan has to say about our infrastructures, our workers and those who live in our area.

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Teréga employees with their safety equipment

Questions fréquentes

Teréga is a gas transport grid and storage manager. We enable the gas to reach the local community distribution grid. From there, the distributor takes the gas to your home and connects you up if necessary. On your side of things, you enter into a contract not with us, but with your gas supplier. They will install a meter in your home and in your name. They will also be the company you deal with if you need any assistance, and they will send the request on to the distributor.

If you smell gas, call the gas emergency number: 0 800 028 800 (in France).

Teréga’s posts and yellow markers are there to show that there is an underground pipeline in the vicinity. Those posts also include the emergency number to call in the event of a problem: smell of gas, accident, something unusual affecting the surrounding plants and wildlife etc.

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