Espace pédagogique

Le 28 juil. 2020

BIG TOUR 2020: Teréga is ready to go, alongside Bpifrance

After the success in the summer of 2019, which attracted more than 470,000 visitors, Teréga, a gas transportation and storage operator based in the south-west of France, is for the second consecutive year a partner of the Big Tour, which first took place last year under the name "French Fab Tour".

The summer tour criss-crosses the coasts of 8 French regions through 22 stages, from July 29th to September 19th. There are four dates local to Teréga: July 29th in Vieux-Boucau (40), July 30th in Biscarosse (40), July 31st in Arcachon (33) and August 28th in Le Barcarès (66).

In an unprecedented context marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, this year's Big Tour is being relaunched with the aim of promoting French entrepreneurial know-how in the fields of industry, technology and innovation: French Fab, French Tech, French Touch and Climat all under one banner! New for this year is the Big Tour's hybrid format: organised in sessions, it is now possible to follow the different stages of the tour on social media.