Espace pédagogique

Le 18 mars 2020

COVID-19: Teréga deploys its Business Continuity Plan

Following the containment measures announced on Monday 16 March by the President of the Republic in an attempt to stem the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, Dominique Mockly, Chief Executive Officer, announced today that the Business Continuity Plan has been deployed. This plan, which has been prepared over a few weeks, allows the company to continue supplying gas, sustainably and despite the epidemic, while adapting its operating methods to government directives.

“The continuity of our general interest mission under the best, most reliable conditions possible, as well as the safety of all our employees are our top priorities. In light of the current conditions, we must modify the way we operate to adapt to government directives as regards containment and the protection of our employees and partners, all while sustainably maintaining the essential functions of the company. These guarantee the delivery and storage of gas for our customers. This temporary organisation, on which the company will rely during the entire Covid-19 crisis, has now been put in place.” 

Dominique Mockly - CEO of Teréga