Espace pédagogique

Le 15 nov. 2019

Gas infrastructure: an asset for the development of hydrogen in France

Gas infrastructure operators have presented the main conclusions of a joint report submitted to the Minister of Ecological Transition and Solidarity concerning the technical and economic conditions for the integration of hydrogen into their infrastructures.

The analysis undertaken confirms the role of gas networks, storage sites and LNG terminals in the deployment of hydrogen in France and achieving carbon neutrality in 2050.The work carried out by gas infrastructure operators contributes to the hydrogen deployment plan, launched in 2018 by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, and will facilitate theachievement of the 2030 objectives for hydrogen that are enshrined in the Energy and Climate Law. Operators confirm that it is possible to integrate a significant volume of hydrogen into the gas mix by 2050 with limited infrastructure adaptation costs. Gas infrastructure will thus be able to accommodate decarbonised and renewable hydrogen, be it via: the recovery of hydrogen co‐produced in industry; the production of hydrogen resulting from thermal gasification of waste or biomass; the reforming of gas with carbon capture and storage, or even via power to gas.