Espace pédagogique

Le 14 nov. 2019

Publication of the 2019 global gas report

The essential role of gas in the global energy transition is confirmed, with an annual growth rate of around 2% until 2040.
The global gas market recorded significant growth of 5% in 2018.

Snam, the International Gas Union (IGU) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) have released the 2019 Global Gas Report, the latest edition of the annual report that examines key global gas market trends, analyses developments and assesses progress towards the leading role that gas is expected to play in the energy transition.

This year, Teréga and other European gas infrastructure operators, such as DESFA (Greece), Interconnector UK (United Kingdom) and TAG (Austria), contributed to the special section dedicated to the future of gas in Europe.

With the rise of LNG, natural gas prices in regional marketplaces have declined steadily and gas has become more affordable for more consumers. This led to a 5% increase in global demand in 2018 (mainly due to consumption in China and the United States) and a 4% increase in international gas trade operations. This increase was notably at the expense of coal.

For its third edition, the report reaffirms this positive scenario for natural gas worldwide. Over the past five years, the market has grown on average by 2% per year, and it is expected to maintain this growth rate until 2040, enabling gas to reach 25% of the global energy mix by that time. This is explained by the lower environmental impact of gas compared to other fossil fuels, but also by an increase in supply sources and increasingly competitive prices.