Espace pédagogique

Le 21 avr. 2020

Tender for Natural Gas purchasing by Teréga the 21th April 2020

Teréga is launching a tender to purchase gas naturel in order to cover its own needs for its gas Transport and Storage activities for the year 2021

The tender will take place on Wednesday 06th of May 2020 at 2:00 pm (GMT+02:00)

The global quantity purchased is 250 GWh, subdivided in 10 GWh lots.

These lots have to be delivered before the 31th December 2021 :

-       at the Teréga Gas Exchange Point (PEG)

-       at the Teréga Storage Gas Exchange Point (PEG-ATS)

Tenderers wishing to respond must establish a final commercial proposal by the date indicated and in accordance with the terms of the call to tender.

These conditions are described in the documents available right here :  

All requests, as well as the sending of offers, must be sent by email to  achatsgaz@terega.fr.