Espace pédagogique

Hydrogen: energy carrier for the future

Low-carbon renewable hydrogen has emerged as one of the responses to the problems of climate change, a source of reindustrialisation and greater attractiveness for the territories, and a route to energy sovereignty. Teréga is fully committed to supporting the development of the hydrogen market, making its use more widespread and contributing to the deployment of large-scale infrastructures.

Supporting the development of hydrogen

Southwestern landscape with wind turbines and gas beacons

Hydrogen: Challenges and opportunities

We are looking into all the issues associated with hydrogen, with the aim of playing our part in the construction of a sector capable of speeding up developments in its use.

Decarbonised hydrogen production

As industry has known for many years, the challenge now is to develop decarbonised methods for producing hydrogen.

Gas transport pipeline

Hydrogen transport

We are working to adapt our gas infrastructures to allow the injection of hydrogen, either in a mixture into the gas grid, or in its pure form into a dedicated transport grid.

Study of hydrogen storage in the Jupiter 1000 project

Hydrogen storage

We are looking for the best solutions to overcome the challenge of storage and encourage the largescale development of the hydrogen industry.


HySoW project

Discover the secrets of this hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure project in the heart of the South West.

H2med project

H2med project

The H2med project comprises two strategic segments: a segment linking the hydrogen networks of Portugal and Spain (CelZa project), and a subsea infrastructure linking Barcelona and the port of Marseille (BarMar project).

Larrau paysage des Pyrénées

H2 and CO2 Call for Expressions of Interest

In 2023, we launched our first Call for Expression of Interest dedicated to the transport and storage of hydrogen (H2) and/or carbon dioxide (CO2).

Axes stratégiques

Hydrogen projects

Teréga, as a committed actor, intends to adopt a proactive approach and accelerate hydrogen’s deployment. To that end, the Group has involved itself in two large-scale projects: H2Med-BarMar and HySoW.
