Espace pédagogique

Discover the fields of action within our environmental commitment

Because we are a responsible actor in the energy sector, the challenges of environmental and energy transition concern us on more than one account. We have therefore embarked on a virtuous approach, put into action through our BE POSITIF (from the French for “Positive Environmental Audit”) programme. Our objective being that actions taken as part of our business activities, but also our internal practices, should be in step with environmental impact reduction targets.

Teréga commits to the environment

Panorama at Urrugne in the Pyrenees

Our BE POSITIF programme

BE POSITIF (from the French for “Positive Environmental Audit”) is aimed at gradually eradicating the environmental footprint left by our activities, to contribute to France’s carbon neutrality.

Limiting atmospheric emissions

The reduction of our atmospheric discharges, particularly of greenhouse gases (GHGs), is part of our energy and environmental management systems. Our actions are based upon a number of stated objectives.

Energy management

We have made energy management and efficiency our priority. Our work in that area is focussed particularly on the modernisation of our industrial facilities, a dedicated management system, a self-sufficiency process, sustainable construction and digital frugality.

Gas network signaling beacon

Impact management

Our thinking on how the impacts of our business can be managed is evidenced by the way we consider environmental challenges at every stage of a project, before the planning even begins. We rely on a proven methodology: AVOID-REDUCE-COMPENSATE (ARC).

Scarabée bleu hoplia coerulea sur une servitude Teréga

Preserving biodiversity

Respect for biodiversity is one of our top-priority issues. It is an integral part of our environmental and social policy. It is evidenced by specific, clearly-stated actions at both the regional and national level.
