Espace pédagogique
Renewal Villariès-Albi (REVA)

Transport du gaz

Renewal Villariès-Albi (REVA)


Built in 1974, the pipeline connecting the municipalities of Villaries (31) and Albi (81) is due to undergo a renewal project in order to ensure its safety and to maintain our gas transport grid. In order to comply with the regulatory and technical requirements, Teréga has decided to modernise and adapt the pipeline located between the municipalities of Villariès (31) and Albi (81).

Objectifs du projet

To successfully complete the REVA project, Teréga is voluntarily organising a prior public consultation in early 2022.The consultation takes place at the stage of researching the project's route. It will be optimised according to its findings. The REVA project thus meets several objectives:

Grid modernisation

Modernising and adapting the natural gas grid between Villariès and Albi, prioritising a route more favourable to the local area.


Maintaining the current supplies to the 14 public distribution grids and 7 industrial customers.


Contributing to the development of renewable gases thanks to the connection of NGV stations (St Sulpice) and methanisation units (Trifyl).

REVA: a local project to modernise our grid

With more than 70 km of pipeline to renew between the municipalities of Villariès (31) and Albi (81), the REVA project (Villariès-Albi Renewal) meets the challenge of modernising and securing our gas transport infrastructures in Occitanie. Built in 1974, the pipeline connecting the two municipalities needs to be replaced in order to meet the regulatory and technical requirements. As for all projects for renewing and modernising our infrastructure, Teréga is contributing to the development of the regions. For the REVA project, this includes connecting a methanisation station (Trifyl) and connecting an NGV station within the municipality of Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe (81).

Project News

Administrative progress:

  • The public enquiry runs from 11 October to 12 November 2024. To consult the prefectoral decree, click here (in french), and the notice of a single public enquiry here (in french).
    To download the public enquiry file and make a contribution, you can visit the digital register at www.registre-dematerialise.fr.

  • The overall project was approved by the CRE in July 2024.

  • The DACE application was accepted in the last quarter of 2023.

Focus on project works:

  • Preventive archaeological diagnosis began on 18/03/2024.

  • All tubes were handed over in January 2024.

Concertation publique au titre du Code de l'urbanisme from April 23 to May 7, 2024

Purpose of the consultation

The Teréga "REVA" project has made it necessary to modify the Local Urban Planning Schemes (PLU) of the municipalities listed below. This project for the construction of a gas transmission pipeline is located on the communal territory. This procedure is the subject of a public consultation under the Urban Planning Code, the terms of which have been approved by deliberation of the municipal councils. It will run from April 23 to May 07, 2024.

Consultation objectives

The present consultation is organized by the town halls, and aims to inform the population about the PLU modification project, to enable citizens to learn about the details of the project and to gather their observations.

Consultation procedures

  • A consultation file will be available in hard copy at the town hall and in digital format on the Buzet-sur-Tarn and Bazus commune websites.

  • A register will be available at the town hall for public comments.

  • Contributions can be sent by email to the address indicated, specifying "contribution" in the subject line: accueil@buzet-sur-tarn.fr / mairie.bazus@wanadoo.fr

Follow-up to consultation

After consultation, a report will be drawn up by the municipal councils. These summaries will be made public on the town councils' websites, and will also be included in the dossier for the REVA project's declaration of public utility, which will be the subject of a subsequent public inquiry.

You can find the consultation notices here :

Key figures

72 km

of pipelines with a nominal diameter of 200 mm


of connections to join the existing delivery stations


new delivery station within the municipality of Albi


meetings (public or thematic) as part of the prior public consultation

15 km

of pipelines in Haute-Garonne (31)

57 km

of pipelines in the Tarn (81)


REVA schedule

A voluntary approach by Teréga to enrich its project

As for any development project, building a new gas grid has effects on the areas that is crosses, during the building work phase in particular. That is why Teréga wants to enable all interested parties to contribute to its preparation.

To do so, Teréga has chosen to voluntarily organise a prior public consultation from 31 January to 6 March 2022 in accordance with the principles of the Environmental Code. This measure complements the regional dialogue already begun in 2020 as part of the studies with nearly 70 local actors (local authorities, chambers of agriculture, State administrative authorities and services).

The consultation will, in particular, be the opportunity to:

  • share the lessons learned of the studies which have led to the identification of the preferred corridor of 100 metres for the gas pipeline,

  • identify the local issues to take into account in researching the route (sensitive issues to avoid, opportunities  to take into account, etc.),

  • define those measures likely, firstly, to favour the smooth execution of the work and secondly, the territorial integration of the pipeline over the long term,

  • establish what the arrangements for informing the public could be and permitting input from them throughout the project.

A assessment was made by Teréga presenting the measures intended in the light of the lessons learned from the consultation.

Click here to consult the assessment of the preliminary public consultation (in french).

A consultation open to all

The consultation is open to any interested person, whether you are directly affected (owners and farmers of the land crossed, neighbours, etc.) or otherwise.

It is in line with the spirit of the main principles issued by the national commission on public debate:

  • Transparency of the information and responses given by the commissioning client.

  • Equivalence of treatment for all. Each person can participate and express themselves in the same way, whatever their status (simple citizen, elected representative, representative of an association, etc.).

  • Argumentation of the opinions expressed: consultation favours an exchange of points of view supported by reasons about the project.

Information media available to you

You can obtain information about the project by reading the consultation file and its summary available here as well as:

  • in the mayoral offices of the 26 municipalities affected by the study corridor,

  • at the entrance to the public meetings,

  • and on written request sent to: Teréga, Concertation REVA, Direction Projets d’infrastructures, 40 avenue de l’Europe, CS 20 522, 64 010 PAU Cedex (indicating your postal address).

The consultation meetings

Various meetings are planned throughout the consultation. They will take place in compliance with the health measures in force. Due to the sanitary context, to be informed about the conditions of access to the consultation meetings, registration is strongly recommended by email to reva-communication@terega.fr.
The health pass will be required for the meetings.

  • Public meeting at Paulhac, february 1st 2022, 18h00: Salle des fêtes, 25 rivière haute, 31380 Paulhac

  • Public meeting at Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe, february 2nd 2022, 18h00: Salle de concert René Cassin, Place Jean Jaurès 81370 Saint-Sulpice

  • Public meeting at Técou, february 3rd 2022, 18h00: Salle multiculturelle, 24 chemin des martisses 81600 Técou

  • Thematic meeting “Gas & Innovation” at Albi, march 3rd 2022, 16h30: Amphithéâtre d’honneur de l’Ecole des mines, All. des sciences, 81000 Albi.

  • Thematic meeting “Gas & Agriculture” at Parisot, march 4 2022, 10h30: Salle des fêtes, chemin de la Mouline, 81310 Parisot.

All the meetings will be filmed and available on our website www.terega.fr.

Replay of public meetings

If you were not able to attend the public meetings, you can watch them in replay and read reports, in french, through the links below. The dematerialized register is open, you can submit your contribution.

  • Public meeting at Paulhac on 1st february 2022: replay and report.

  • Public meeting at Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe on 2nd february 2022: replay and report.

  • Public meeting at Técou on 3rd february 2022: replay and report.

  • Public meeting at Albi on 3rd march 2022: replay and report.

  • Public meeting at Parisot on 4th march 2022: replay and report.

The means of expression offered

Do you wish to ask a question, give your opinion, make a proposal?
The various consultation meetings are designed to give you a voice.
You can also contribute from 31 January until 6 March at midnight:

  • via the electronic register,

  • or by postal letter to Teréga, Concertation REVA, Direction Projets d’infrastructures, 40 avenue de l’Europe, CS 20 522, 64 010 PAU Cedex (as per the postmark for the deadline).

REVA project study area

REVA project study area

The corridor submitted for consultation:

Project contact

For any questions about the project