Espace pédagogique
Renforcement Gascogne Midi (RGM)

Transport du gaz

Renforcement Gascogne Midi (RGM)


To remove the difference in natural gas prices between the North and the South of France, Teréga, with its Gascogne Midi Improvement (RGM) project has been involved in a national project to improve natural gas transport infrastructures.

Travaux RGM

Objectifs du projet

Once the necessary authorisations had been granted, the RGM project was able to get under way in July 2017 under extreme weather conditions. Despite the inconvenience, the project was completed and able to start accepting gas on 31 October 2018, with TRF being introduced on 1 November 2018. This technical project was:


Mobilising up to 460 people at its height


Improving the Gascogne Artery by building a new pipeline between Lussagnet (Landes) and Barran (Gers), and improving the Midi Artery by adding a compressor at the Barbaira (Aude) compression station


Introducing a single price for gas in France

RGM: a “local” project for national purposes

As an essential link in introducing TRF, this major project for Teréga brought a strategic solution to congestion on the gas grid between the North and South areas. Launched in 2014, RGM is a large-scale project presenting various challenges: 

  • safety and security (security of supply, safety of persons and infrastructures),

  • environmental (limiting effects on plants and wildlife),

  • technical (developing the transport grid and modifying installations on the surface)

  • social (project acceptability, positive externalities and economic consequences for the communes affected)


Key figures

61,8 km

of pipelines with a nominal diameter of 900 mm


bar maximum service pressure (PMS)


new “Gascogne Midi” interconnection grid, measuring 300 m


new intermediate cut-off stations at Sion and Castillon-Debats in the Gers department


cut-off station to be modified at Barran


new compressor at Barbaira in the Aude department


Planning RGM

Project route

Tracé RGM