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The Sea Cleaners: Taking action to restore and preserve the marine ecosystem


The Sea Cleaners: Taking action to restore and preserve the marine ecosystem

from 2021 to 2023

In November 2021 and until 2023, the Teréga Accélérateur d'Énergies endowment fund committed itself alongside The Sea Cleaners association, created by navigator Yvan Bourgnan, to helping protect the oceans and combat plastic waste.

The Sea Cleaners association


The Sea Cleaners, an association created in 2016, takes action against plastic pollution at sea and on land, and in doing so helps protect our oceans.

Objectif n°1

To protect

the environment, through its actions to collect waste

Objectif n°2

To lead

in raising awareness among the general public and political and economic decision-makers

Objectif n°3

To contribute

to scientific research

Objectif n°4

To promote

the circular economy

The Sea Cleaners

The Sea Cleaners: Taking action to restore and preserve the marine ecosystem

Teréga: committed to the energy transition

Through its endowment fund, Teréga pursues its commitment to protecting the environment and supports original projects and initiatives to preserve biodiversity.

That environmental commitment is clearly set out in one of the endowment fund’s main action areas: “Mobilising people around environmental protection and biodiversity.

The Manta: an innovative solution for collecting waste at sea

As part of its action against plastic pollution in seas and oceans, The Sea Cleaners is developing an innovative vessel: The Manta.

This ship, a veritable floating factory, will be capable of collecting and repurposing floating microplastic waste. Due for launch in 2024, this ship will be the first vessel capable of collecting and processing floating waste before it disperses and penetrates the marine ecosystem for good. 

You can find out more about the Manta project on The Sea Cleaners’ website.

Teréga, Accélérateur d'Énergies endowment fund

Teréga, Accélérateur d'Énergies endowment fund


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