Espace pédagogique
Get to know Teréga with a few key indicators

Get to know Teréga with a few key indicators

Learn about our business model through our essential key figures.

Financial indicators

In 2022, Teréga total turnover was €799 million. Total turnover includes gas sales of €187 million due to network congestion as a result of the war in Ukraine, offset by purchases of €191 million. The difference of €4 million will be returned to Teréga through the CRCP mechanism. In addition, gas sales for grid balancing were €119 million in 2022, compared with €29 million in 2021, an increase mainly due to the rise in gas prices. They were neutralised by a gas purchase account and therefore have no impact on profit. Excluding balancing and congestion, turnover was €492 million.

The turnover of the Transport business was €329 million in 2022, up almost 6% compared to 2021. This strong performance is directly related to the increase in capacity subscriptions, in a globally unstable gas flow pattern due to the war in Ukraine.

The turnover of the Storage business was €163 million, up almost 10% compared to 2021, mainly due to new storage offers marketed in 2022.

In 2022, total investment amounts to €163 million.

In 2022, the total sum of our investments was €107 million. For the Transport business, this mainly involved investments related to infrastructure security and maintenance, but also investments related to network development.

For the Storage business, investments reached €56 million and also largely corresponded to infrastructure security and maintenance.

Market indicators

5,094 km of transport pipelines
6.6 Gm3 of total gas storage capacity
143.4 TWh of gas transported
22.6 TWh consumed in the Teréga zone (industrial + public distribution)
33.1 TWh of subscribed storage capacity, i.e. 100% of available capacity

74 transport shippers
28 storage shippers
116 industrial customers
153 public distributions
10 biomethane injection stations

Human resources indicators

646 employees
53 new hires (permanent and fixed-term contracts)
• Feminisation rate : 28.2 %
55 study contracts and 16 trainees
96,6% of employees trained
• Commitment index of 7.4/10 in 2023
• Teréga TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate): 3.6
• Fatal accident of a Terega employee in 2023 : 0 
• Fatal Accident of a contractor in 2023 : 0

94: 2024 index based on 2023 for Teréga Group

88: 2024 index based on 2023 for Teréga SA

Other indicators


ISO 14001 : 2015 (environmental management), ISO 50001 : 2018 (energy management) certifications
0.63 teqCO2/GWh transported*

* Calculated with GWP (Global Warming Potential) for methane = 34.

Research and Innovation

• Approximately 60 employees integrated into the R&I network
• Average annual R&I budget: €5 million
• Approximately 60 ongoing R&I projects