Espace pédagogique
A local grid at the heart of European gas exchanges

A local grid at the heart of European gas exchanges

Established in 15 departments in the far south-west of France, Teréga occupies a strategic position in the regions and in the heart of Europe. Its grid, with a dense local network interconnecting with foreign networks, plays a key role in meeting the French and European energy challenges.

Our grid speeds up energy transition in the regions

By 2030, renewable energy will make up at least 33% of final energy consumption, according to the targets in the Energy and Climate Law enacted on 8th November 2019. Article L100-4 of the Energy Code also stipulates that renewable gas make up a 10% share of gas consumption in 2030. A new geographical distribution of resources is emerging: production premises are based in the regions, and regional and territorial communities are the prime movers of energy transition.

Teréga supports these changes in the heart of the French regions. We rely on a local, flexible and responsible grid to develop transport and new uses for gas. Strongly established in the regions, we support the emergence of local biogas production facilities. We are also working to enable our grid to accept other renewable and decarbonised gases such as the hydrogen originating from renewably generated surplus electricity.

Our mastery of the gas industry enables us to speed up:

  • the development of interconnections between these new production premises and local, national and European centres of consumption.

  • the emergence of intelligent multi-energy systems to optimise energy consumption and the relationships between producers and consumers.

6,5 Gm3

of total gas storage capacity

2,9 Gm3

of marketable volume

25.4 %

of the volume of French gas in the Teréga network

799 M€

of total sales

492 M€

of sales (excluding balancing and congestion)

20 %

French gas volume in the Teréga network

Teréga at the heart of the European networks

In a rapidly changing market, Teréga is helping to build a low-carbon energy system to meet the climate challenge. The excellence of its network and teams makes Teréga a central pillar in the response to energy challenges in France and Europe. For several years now, the Group has been committed to the energies of the future, to ensure a sustainable transition. Teréga is working with Europe's leading gas infrastructure operators to accelerate their development.

To this end, Teréga maintains close cooperation with key players in the sector. We are involved in associations and organisations specialising in the major issues facing the sector and the future of energy, to achieve French and European objectives in terms of energy transition.

Teréga has joined the European hydrogen storage alliance H2eart for Europe, tasked with accelerating the deployment of underground hydrogen storage, which is essential for supply flexibility. Teréga is also a partner in the H2med green hydrogen corridor project, which will link the Iberian Peninsula to Central Europe, and is leading the Hydrogen South West Corridor of France (HySoW) project, a 600 km pipeline infrastructure integrated into the European grid.

European bodies of which Teréga is a member


Announced with the European industrial strategy, the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (or ECH2A) was officially launched alongside the European hydrogen strategy in the summer of 2020. 

By structuring the industry and bringing forward practical projects, the Clean H2 Alliance aims to guide and coordinate the rise of the use of clean hydrogen in Europe, bringing industries in the sector and the Commission together. By establishing a reserve for investment projects, the Alliance will play a crucial role in helping reach the target of climate neutrality in 2050, driven by the Green Deal.

Gas for Climate

Established by the main European gas infrastructure operators and biomethane producers, the Gas for Climate (GfC) consortium has demonstrated through its work that the development of biomethane and hydrogen, based on the gas infrastructures, will enable energy transition at the least cost, through a sectoral integration approach, and creating new jobs.A number of GfC members are also behind the European Hydrogen Backbone initiative.

(European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas)

The role of ENTSOG is to strengthen cooperation between European gas transport network operators to allow the development of a European transport system in harmony with the European Union’s energy targets. Its aims are to stimulate cross-border exchanges, to guarantee the effective management and coordinated operation of the European gas network, and to facilitate the technical evolution of infrastructures. ENTSOG also has a role to play in the planning of infrastructures, linked to the market’s needs.

(European Gas Research Group)

The GERG works with the European energy community to meet the challenges facing the gas industry: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and developing renewable gases. Its aim is to maintain energy security and competitiveness in Europe, while at the same time finding the cheapest possible route for energy transition.

(Gas Infrastructure Europe)

GIE is an independent association bringing together industrial players in the European gas infrastructure. Its job is to facilitate investment by offering, through Europe, a stable regulatory framework which encourages security of supply and competition. It has 70 members in 26 European countries, whose activities are: managing gas transport grids, managing gas storage systems, and operating methane tanker terminals.

Find out more

Hydrogen Europe is the reference association bringing together all actors in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector. Representing the whole of the value chain, Hydrogen Europe enjoys a firm political foothold, helping the development of the hydrogen industry, and works closely with the ECH2A.

National organisations of which Teréga is a member

Founded in 1874, the France Gaz is the professional body representing the gas industry in France, covering natural gas, biomethane, biogas, hydrogen and LPG. It acts as a representative for activities in the sector before the public authorities, and contributes to the drafting of laws and regulations. France Gaz also contributes to European and international work on the issue.

(Association Française du Gaz Naturel Véhicule, the French association for natural gas for vehicles)

The AFGNV’s mission is to support the development of natural gas and renewable gases as vehicular fuels (NGV and BioNGV) in France. It brings together public, economic and industrial players.

(Association Technique Energie Environnement, the Energy and Environment Technical Association)

The ATEE comprises a diversity of members (businesses, local authorities, teaching establishments etc.), all of whom are involved in managing energy and its impact on the climate. It helps its members introduce practical solutions in that regard.

The strategic committee for the new energy systems industry

The objective of the Comité Stratégique de Filière is to establish a concrete, effective and regular dialogue between the State, businesses and employees’ representatives on key subjects in the sector.

The CSF is the French authorities’ go-to spokesperson for industrial policy.

Teréga and GRTgaz chair a joint forum for consultation with all actors in the market. That forum is in addition to the process of listening to the market in which natural gas transporters are already engaged.

It satisfies the following objectives:

  • to provide forums for consultation shaped and organised according to common operating rules,

  • to constitute a dynamic offer of products and services to match market needs as closely as possible,

  • to allow each of the actors (CRE, transporters, shippers, customers) to occupy a position that is consistent with their role within the market.


The aim of the EVOLEN association is to promote French excellence in the hydrocarbon industry and new energies on an international scale.

The France Gaz Renouvables association brings together a range of different kinds of actor, with agriculture at its heart: gas infrastructure operators, territories, think tanks and technical industries. Its ambition is to encourage the development of renewable gases – particularly biomethane – to the benefit of agriculture, energy and energy transition in the regions.

(formerly AFHYPAC)

France Hydrogène is an association supported by the ADEME, and brings together French actors in the hydrogen and fuel cell business. Members can just as likely be businesses, laboratories and research institutes, competitive clusters, regional authorities and regional associations. The aim of France Hydrogène is to speed up the development of the hydrogen industry to the benefit of energy transition and society.

Gesip helps to improve safety performance in industry and to promote a strong HSE (Health, Safety, Environmental) culture. Its areas of activity are mastering toxic, fire and explosion risks and crisis management. Gesip offers services, training and advice to industrial and logistics sites.

Union Française des Industries Pétrolières, the French petroleum industry association

The UFIP is a professional union that brings together French businesses in the petroleum industry: exploration and production of oil and natural gas, refining, logistics and distribution.


UPRIGAZ reunites private companies in the gas and electricity sector. It is committed to the defense and representation of the professional interests of its members, in particular to the public authorities, both in France and in the European Union.

Open Data Energy Networks

Open Data Réseaux Énergies (Open Data Energy Networks, or ODRÉ) provides stakeholders with data on topics such as “Production”, multi-energy “Consumption” (gas and electricity), “Storage”, “Mobility”, “Territories and Regions”, “Infrastructures”, “Markets” and “Meteorology”, all provided through the combined expertise and know-how of Réseaux Énergies members.

Created in January 2017, the aim of Réseaux Énergies is to incorporate new multi-energy, multi-operator and multi-network data, but also to expand with the addition of new actors hoping to share in a process that combines transparency with education for the public, local authorities and economic actors, all with a view to contributing to the development and assessment of energy policy.

Réseaux Énergies is the fruit of a partnership between GRTgaz, RTE and Teréga, who were behind its creation. Since then they have been joined by AFGNV, Weathernews France, Elengy, Storengy and Dunkerque LNG.

Réseaux Énergies members aim to guarantee the quality, continuity and exhaustivity of the data provided on the platform.

Regional structures of which Teréga is a member

The Chemparc Public Interest Group assists in the economic revitalisation of the Lacq industrial basin (Pyrénées Atlantiques), seeking out investors likely to develop industrial activities there.

The Béarn and Soule MEDEF (French Business Movement) supports the representation of businesses before local, departmental and regional social and economic bodies. It can also help them in areas affecting the life and development of the business (legal, HR etc.).

The AVENIA cluster, based in Pau, specialises in the field of underground industries. It supports its members in decision-making to develop their growth and initiate innovative and collaborative R&D projects.

The DERBI competitive cluster brings together actors involved in developing the renewable energies industry in the Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée region. Its objective is to develop innovation, training and the creation of businesses in the field of renewable energies, applied to construction and industry.

The S2E2 competitive cluster specialises in energy management. It supports its members in designing products and services linked to that activity and bringing them to market.